My big body hatred is my legs. I mean I absolutely hate them! I'm extremely pear shaped, with a very big bum and wide thighs that make my legs look a bit like a triangle shape as they get a lot slimmer as they go down. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having a big bum, it probably my favourite feature, but lately my legs just seem to have taken over and it's been hard to love my big booty when my legs are so awful!
So after chatting to a member of staff at my local gym they suggest plenty of yoga, running and....squats! I used to do a lot of squats in my early teens as I was a member of two dance groups and a cheerleading group so I was required to keep my legs in shape. Squats are an exercise that improve the muscles in your entire body, help to burn fat, help maintain mobility and balance, improve 'waste removal' and most of all they tone your abs, upper leg and backside!
I did the '30 day squat challenge' which is a challenge that increases the number of squats you do each day, with on break day a week, for 30 days. Since starting the challenge I'd say I've lost about 3cm off the width of my legs and the shape of my bum has changed massively! I have a much more toned backside and the join between my legs and bum is much more defined. It's now close to a 90 degrees angle than a straight slope!
Also while I've been doing the challenge I've added dumbbells to my squats, so as I squat down I lift the dumbbells up so my arms are straight, then as I come back up I drop my arms back down to my sides. This is too help burn off some bingo wing as well as my thunder thighs!
There seems to be quite a stigma surrounding girls lifting weights which is absolutely ridiculous! If you want to shift the weight and gain muscle then you need to learn to lift! I'm currently lifting 6kg dumbbells as I do the squats and am working my way up. I'm also up to 6kg on the barbells.
- Alise Lavinia
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