Get involved!

I don't think I would of come as far as I have on my fitness journey if I'd done it all alone. Firstly I have a brilliant gym buddy, she keeps me motivated and we cook healthy meals together and for each other to keep fitness fun! Secondly I have all the fitness instructors that work at my local gym.
I go to 'The Gym' in the Liverpool One where all classes are free! The sessions are all thirty minutes and range to everything from yoga to boxercise. Also they regularly offer you free sessions with personal trainers to help you keep your targets on goal.
When you go to a class it is just pure workout, there's no way you can just give up after ten minutes and go home or 'go easy' on your self. The instructors keep you motivated and are always there if you need help with any part of the class. It really is the perfect thing to do if you have goals to reach!

My two favourite classes at the moment are Kettlebells and Yoga. Kettlebell training utilizes all of your core muscles which are essential for maintaining good healthy. All moves are based on functional movements so reduce the risk of injury. Kettlebell training is different than other forms of weight training because many parts of the body are exercised simultaneously and also kettlebells training elevates the heart rate for effective cardiovascular training.

Yoga means union, united mind, body and spirit. Yoga as we know it in the West is in Sanskrit the asana part of yoga, meaning posture or pose. Yoga is breath-linked movements, so you move the body into poses with conscious breathing, resulting in a toned, flexible, lean body and a calm, level stress-free demeanor. Yoga has an array of benefits but can also be used as a tonic to things like stress, tight muscles, fatigue, insomnia, anxiousness and asthma.
In my opinion, if you want to get fit, classes are a must do! There's such a variety available for such a range of prices. Many gyms offer classes for very cheap or in some cases completely free! Google gyms in your area and see what they have to offer and most importantly, GET INVOLVED!

- Alice Lavinia x

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